V-아/어 두다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth in advance (for future use)

V-아/어 두다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do something in advance

- indicate continuation of a state after doing action = keep V-ing (example 1-4)
- indicate that someone does something in advance for future use = do V in advance/ beforehand…(example 5, 6)


Verb + -아/어 두다:
열다 -- 열어 두다 (keep sth open)
세우다 -- 세워 두다 (parking)
저축하다 -- 저축해 두다 (keep saving money)
연습하다 -- 연습해 두다 (practice in advance)
사다 -- 사 두다 (buy in advance)
적다 -- 적어 두다 (write in advance)


1. 창문을 닫을까요?
- 아니요. 더우니까 그냥 열어 두세요.
Shall I close the window?
- No, you can just keep it open since it’s hot.

2. 자동차를 어떻게 샀어요?
- 그동안 은행에 저축해 둔 돈으로 샀어요.
How did you manage to buy a car?
- I bought it with the money I had kept saving in the bank.

3. 서랍 안에 중요한 것이 많아서 항상 잠가 둡니다.
There are a lot of important things in the drawer, so I always keep it locked.

4. 차를 세워 둔 곳이 어디예요?
Where did you park the car?

5. 오늘은 일정이 많아서 점심 먹을 시간이 없을지도 몰라요. 미리 밥을 먹어 두려고 해요.
Today I have a lot to do, so I might not have time for lunch. I plan to eat lunch early in advance.

6. 발표할 때 실수하지 않으려면 연습을 많이 해 두세요.
If you don’t want to make any mistakes when giving your presentation, then practice a lot in advance.

7. 내일 발표 준비 다 했어요?
- 네, 발표 내용을 미리 외워 두었으니까 걱정하지 마세요.
Did you finish preparing for  tomorrow presentation?
- Yes, don’t worry since I have memorized the presentation content in advance.

8.  어려운 내용은 책에 적어 두세요.
Please write down the difficult content in the book (for advanced use).

9. 라면을 많이 사 뒀어요.
I bought a lot of instant noodles (for storing in advance).

10. 해외로 갈때 여권이 필요하니 여권을 만들어두어라.
Get your passport in advance because you need the passport when you go abroad.

Comparison between V-아/어 놓다  and V-아/어 두다:
- The usage of 2 expressions can be interchangeably. 
- However, V-아/어 두다 is often used to indicate a relatively long time since the state of action, so it is often used for describing storage or saving of something.

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