Korean Naturalization Interview Test Example with Sample Questions (귀화 면접심사 평가 질문 예시)
In this post, we provide a detailed breakdown of the 6 parts of the naturalization interview, along with example questions for each section, to help you understand the structure of a Korean Naturalization Interview and prepare better for the test.
1. Korean Language Proficiency (한국어 능력)
2. Korean Citizenship Responsibility (대한민국 국민의 자세)
This section focuses on your understanding of the rights and duties of a Korean citizen, as well as your pride in being a part of Korea. The questions also assess your future plans and your understanding of the roles and attitudes expected of Korean citizens.
Sample Questions:
- "대한민국에는 많은 국경일이 있습니다. OOO절은 언제이고 그 날을 기념하는 이유는 무엇입니까?" (There are many national holidays in Korea. When is [Name of Holiday] and why do we commemorate it?)
- "대한민국 국민으로서 지켜야 할 권리와 의무는 무엇입니까?" (What are the basic rights and duties of a South Korean citizen?)
- "한국에서 일상생활 중 지켜야 할 예절은 무엇입니까?" (What are some etiquette rules you should follow in everyday life in Korea?)
- "한국 역사에서 중요한 유적지 중 하나를 설명해 보세요." (Explain one important historical site in Korea.)
3. Commitment to Democratic Values (자유민주적 기본질서에의 신념)
This part evaluates your understanding of and commitment to the principles of democracy and sovereignty in Korea. The questions focus on democratic values, governmental roles, and how citizens contribute to maintaining a democratic society.
Sample Questions:
- "대한민국의 주권은 누구에게 있습니까?" (Who holds the sovereignty of South Korea?)
- "국민들이 민주주의를 실현하기 위해 참여할 수 있는 방법은 무엇입니까?" (How can citizens participate in realizing democracy?)
- "치안 유지를 담당하는 국가기관은 무엇입니까?" (Which national organization is responsible for maintaining public order?)
- "감염병에 관한 업무를 담당하는 대한민국의 중앙 행정기관은 무엇입니까?" (Which government institution in Korea handles quarantine and infectious diseases?)
- 민주주의 체제에서는 개인의 자유가 허용되는데 이 자유는 책임이 따르지 않는 무제한적인 자유라고 생각합니까? (In a democratic system, individual freedom is allowed, but do you think this freedom is unlimited and comes with no responsibility?)
4. Basic Knowledge as a Citizen (국민으로서의 기본소양)
This section evaluates your understanding of Korean history, culture, and traditions, as well as the general knowledge that every citizen should possess to adapt to life in Korea. The interviewer may ask questions about customs, holidays, traditional food, and general societal norms.
Sample Questions:
- "배우자의 부모님을 부르는 호칭은 무엇입니까?" (What is the term used to address your spouse’s parents?)
- "추석이나 설날 같은 한국의 명절에서 먹는 대표적인 음식은 무엇입니까?" (What is a representative food eaten during Korean holidays like Chuseok or Seollal?)
- "일제강점기 때 독립운동을 한 OOO 애국지사에 대해 설명해 보세요." (Explain about [name of an independence activist] who fought for Korea’s liberation during Japanese colonization.)
- "한국의 전통적인 놀이, 노래, 또는 무예 중 하나를 설명해 주세요." (Explain one traditional Korean game, song, or martial art.)
- "몸이 아플 때 어느 병원에 가야 합니까?" (When you are sick, which hospital should you go to?)
5. Singing the National Anthem (애국가 가창 여부)
Candidates are required to sing the Korean national anthem (애국가) while standing in front of the interview panel. You must be able to sing the anthem with accurate pitch, rhythm, and lyrics. If you have a disability or other issue that prevents you from singing, you must inform the relevant authorities before the interview. The anthem is expected to be performed while standing in front of the interviewers.
Key Points:
- Be prepared to sing the first verse of the Korean national anthem.
- Ensure you know the correct lyrics, melody, and rhythm.
- Inform authorities ahead of time if you have any condition that prevents you from singing.
6. Etiquette and Attitude (예의 및 태도)
Your overall demeanor during the interview is important. This part evaluates whether you maintain respectful and appropriate behavior, wear proper attire, and show sincerity during the interview. The interview panel will observe your politeness, engagement, and seriousness throughout the interview process.
Key Points:
- Wear formal and neat attire.
- Display respectful behavior toward the interviewers.
- Show seriousness and sincerity throughout the interview.
The Korean Naturalization Interview Test is divided into six key sections that assess your language proficiency, understanding of citizenship responsibilities, knowledge of Korean democratic values, cultural and historical awareness, ability to sing the national anthem, and overall attitude.
To succeed in the interview, it’s important to:
- Study Korean language and culture thoroughly.
- Understand your rights and duties as a Korean citizen.
- Be familiar with democratic principles and government institutions.
- Demonstrate a strong sense of pride and respect for Korean customs.
By preparing carefully for each interview section, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the process and achieve your goal of becoming a Korean citizen.
Bonus (Korean Naturalization Interview Preparation Books)
If you are looking for preparation books to prepare for the Korean Naturalization Interview, these books are really helpful books to assist your success in becoming a Korean citizen.
2024 Naturalization Interview & KIIP Interview Books
Keywords for SEO: Korean naturalization interview, 귀화 면접심사 평가 예시, Korean citizenship interview test, naturalization process in South Korea, Korean citizenship questions, Korean national anthem in citizenship test, Korean naturalization interview structure.