In Unit 17 of KIIP Level 1, we explore vocabulary and phrases related to public places and activities. This lesson also introduces two key grammar points: Noun +(으)로, which is used to indicate direction, and Verb + 지 마세요, used to express prohibitions. Mastering these will help you navigate public spaces and follow essential rules.
Essential Vocabulary
Public Places (공공장소)
Korean |
English |
은행 |
Bank |
백화점 |
Department store |
주차장 |
Parking lot |
박물관 |
Museum |
경찰서 |
Police station |
주민 센터 |
Community center |
우체국 |
Post office |
공원 |
Park |
국립공원 |
National park |
동물원 |
Zoo |
공연장 |
Performance venue |
미술관 |
Art museum |
편의점 |
Convenience store |
Activities at Public Places (공공장소에서 활동)
Korean |
English |
환전하다 |
To exchange money |
선물을 사다 |
To buy a gift |
주차하다 |
To park |
역사 공부를 하다 |
To study history |
수영반에 등록하다 |
To register for a swimming class |
소포를 보내다 |
To send a package |
잔디밭에 들어가다 |
To enter the grass field |
뛰다 |
To run |
쓰레기를 버리다 |
To throw away trash |
꽃을 만지다 |
To touch flowers |
사진을 찍다 |
To take a photo |
담배를 피우다 |
To smoke |
Directions and Locations
Korean |
English |
오른쪽 |
Right |
왼쪽 |
Left |
위층 |
Upstairs |
아래층 |
Downstairs |
지하층 |
Basement |
옆 |
Beside |
뒤 |
Behind |
안 |
Inside |
Grammar Notes
1. Indicating Direction: Noun +(으)로
Use (으)로 to indicate the direction someone or something is
moving toward.
오른쪽으로 가세요. (Go to the right.)
위층으로 올라가세요. (Go upstairs.)
2. Expressing Prohibition: Verb + 지 마세요
Use 지 마세요 to tell someone not to do something.
잔디밭에 들어가지 마세요. (Don’t enter the grass field.)
공연장 안에서 사진을 찍지 마세요. (Don’t take photos inside the performance venue.)
Key Phrases to Practice
Navigating Public Places
은행에서 뭐 할 거예요?
(What will you do at the bank?)
o 환전할 거예요. (I will exchange money.)
주민 센터가 어디에 있어요?
(Where is the community center?)
o 오른쪽으로 조금만 가세요. (Go a little to the right.)
주차장은 어디에 있어요?
(Where is the parking lot?)
o 건물 뒤에 있어요. 오른쪽으로 가세요. (It’s behind the building. Go to the right.)
수영반 등록은 어디에서 해요?
(Where can I register for the swimming class?)
o 저기 사무실에서 해요. 왼쪽으로 가세요. (Over there in the office. Go to the left.)
Rules and Prohibitions
공원에서 잔디밭에 들어가지 마세요.
(Don’t enter the grass field in the park.)
공연장 안에서 사진을 찍지 마세요.
(Don’t take photos inside the performance venue.)
시험 시간에 말하지 마세요.
(Don’t talk during the exam.)
사무실에서 담배를 피우지 마세요.
(Don’t smoke in the office.)
Fill in the blanks:
o _______으로 가세요. (Go to the left.)
o 공연장 안에서 사진을 _______. (Don’t take photos in the performance venue.)
o 식당은 _______에 있어요. (The restaurant is on the 7th floor.)
Translate into Korean:
o Don’t throw away trash in the park.
o Where can I send a package?
o Go down to the first floor.
Unit 17 teaches you how to navigate public places, discuss activities, and follow rules. With the grammar points (으)로 and 지 마세요, you’ll confidently give directions and understand prohibitions in various settings. Keep practicing these phrases, and soon you’ll feel at home in public spaces! 😊