V-자 grammar (vs V-자마자) = as soon as ~express that something occurs right after the completion of an action

 V- grammar (vs V-자마자) = as soon as ~express that something occurs right after the completion of an action



- V- is used to express the action in the 2nd clause occurs right after the completion of the action in the 1st clause. = as soon as, right after

- It is only used when the two actions are related, in which the action in the 1st clause is the reason or motivation for the result in the 2nd clause.

- V- is mainly used in writing.

- V- can be used interchangeably with V-자마자 to some extent. For detailed differences, refer to the end of the post.


Other usage:

- V- is the informal form of V-읍시다 = let’s do. (See V-읍시다 and V-자 grammar for details)

- It is only said to friends and younger people and used at the end of the sentence.


1) 밥을 먹자 = let’s eat.

2) 공부하자 = let’s study.

3) 같이 마시자 = let’s drink together



Verb + = as soon as (verb is always in present tense)

오다 -> 오자

받다 -> 받자

되다 -> 되자

끝나다 -> 끝나자

나가다 -> 나가자

주문하다 -> 주문하자




1. 문을 열자 밖에서 기다리는 사람들이 안으로 들어온다.

As soon as the door opens, people waiting outside come in.


2. 바람이 불자 비가 온다.

As soon as the wind blows, it rains.


3. 까마귀 날자 떨어진다.

As soon as the crow flies, the pear falls.


4. 빵을 먹자 배가 아프다

As soon as I ate the bread, my stomach hurt.


5. 창문을 열자 상쾌한 바람이 들어왔다.

As soon as the door opens, the refreshing air comes in.


6. 버스에서 내리자 비가 오기 시작왔다.

It began to rain as soon as I got off the bus.


7. 날이 어두위지자 북적거렸던 상가 안이 한산해졌다.

As soon as the day got dark, the crowded shopping mall became quiet.


8. 회사에 대한 좋은 소문이 나자 회사의 주가가 폭락했다.

When bad news about the company spread, the company's stock price plummeted.


Differences between V- grammar and V-자마자 grammar


1. V- grammar = both clauses must be related, in which the action in the 1st clause is the reason or motivation for the result in the 2nd clause.

V-자마자 grammar = both clauses are based on temporal relationship, which they do not need to be related.


모자를 사자 잃어버렸다. (wrong)

모자를 사자마자 잃어버렸다 (correct)


V- grammar also expresses that the speaker became aware of the 2nd clause situation as a result of the 1st clause action.

V-자마자 expresses a faster transition between two actions than V-


밖에 나오자 눈이 내리기 시작했다.

This means after going outside, the speaker realized that it has started snowing


밖에 나오자 눈이 내리기 시작했다.

This mean right after the speaker went outside, it simply started snowing


2. V- can’t be used with imperative and propositive forms

- V-자마자 can be used with imperative and propositive forms


집에서 나가자 택시를 타십시오. (wrong)

집에서 나가자마자 택시를 타십시오. (correct)


집에세 나가자 택시를 탑시다. (wrong)

집에세 나가자마자 택시를 탑시다. (correct)

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