A-ㄴ/은가 보다, V-나 보다 grammar = guess, must be ~express inference or assumption based on an objective basis

 A-/은가 보다, V- 보다 grammar = guess, must be ~express inference or assumption based on an objective basis (with direct experience)



- A-/은가 보다, V- 보다 grammar is used to express speaker's inference or assumption based on an objective basis (without direct experience) = I guess, must be, it seems that…

- A-/은가 보다, V- 보다 grammar can be replaced by A-() 같다, V- 같다 grammar without much meaning change. (See the next section for detailed differences.)



Verb + 보다 (present tense)

가다 -> 가나 보다

먹다 -> 먹나 보다

*잠들다 -> 잠드나 보다

*만들다 -> 만드나 보다

공부하다 -> 공부하나 보다

있다 -> 있나 보다

없다 -> 없나 보다


Verb + //엿나 보다 (past tense)

갔다 -> 갔나 보다

먹었다 -> 먹었나 보다

만들다 -> 만들었나 보다

공부했다 -> 공부했나 보다


Adjective + ()ㄴ가 보다

크다 -> 큰가 보다

좋다 -> 좋은가 보다

많다 -> 많은가 보다

*멀다 -> 먼가 보다

*춥다 -> 추운가 보다


Noun + 인가 보다

의사 -> 의사인가 보다

학생 -> 학생인가 보다

선생님 -> 선생님인가 보다


1. 토니 씨는 매일 커피를 드시네요. 커피를 좋아하나 봐요.

Tony drinks coffee everyday. I guess he likes coffee.


2. 수지 씨는 남자 친구가 있나 봐요. 커플링을 끼고 있어요.

I guess Suzy has a boyfriend. She is wearing a couple ring.


3. 음식이 매운가 봐요. 앤디 얼굴이 빨개요.

It seems that the food is spicy. Andy’s face turns red.


4. 영화관 앞에 사람들이 많네요. 영화가 재미있나 봐요.

There are many people in front of the cinema. I guess the movie is interesting.


5. 짐이 크게 보이네요. 무거운가 봐요.

The package looks big. I guess it is heavy.


6. 아기가 계속 울어요. 배가 고픈가 봐요.

The baby keeps crying. It seems that he’s hungry.


7. 학생들 성적이 많이 떨어졌네요. 시험 문제가 어려운가 봐요.

Students' grades have dropped a lot. I guess the test questions are difficult.


8. 약속 장소에 아무도 왔네요. 길이 많이 막히나 봐요.

No one came to the meeting place. There must be a lot of traffic.


9. 옆집에서 고기를 굽나 봐요. 냄새가 나요.

I think the next door is grilling meat. I smell it.


10. 공연이 끝났나 봐요. 사람들이 모두 밖으로 나오네요.

I think the show is over. Everyone is coming out.


11. 선생님이 요즘 많이 바쁘신가 봐요.

The teacher must be very busy these days.


12. 지금 퇴근 시간인가 봐요. 지하철에 사람들이 많아요.

I guess it is time to go home. There are a lot of people on the subway.

13.  요즘 사람들이 저 영화 많이 보더라. 영화가 재미있나 봐.

A lot of people have been watching that movie lately. The movie looks interesting.

14. 불합격한 학생들이 많네요. 이번 시험이 많이 어러웠나  봐요.

There are many students who failed. I guess this test was very difficult.

15. 토니 씨가 약속을 잊어버렸나 봐요. 연락도 없고 안 오네요.

Tony must have forgotten his appointment. He doesn't contact me and come.

16. 안나 씨에게 문자 메시지를 보냈는데 몇 시간이 지나도 답을 안 해요.

- 오늘 많이 바쁜가 봐요. 제 전화도 안 받더라고요.

I sent a text message to Anna, she read but doesn't reply me even after several hours.

- She must be very busy today. She didn't even answer my phone call.

Differences between - 보다 grammar and -  같다 grammar

1. V- 보다 can be only used to express an inference/assumption about past and present situations, not future situations.

V-  같다 can be used to express an assumption/opinion about past, present, and future events.


어제 비가 왔나 봐요 (O) -> 어제 비가   같아요 (O)

I think it rained yesterday.


수지가 이미 밥을 먹었나 봐요. (O) -> 수지가 이미 밥을 먹은  같아요. (O)

I think Suzy has already eaten.


오늘 비가 오나 봐요. (O) -> 오늘 비가 오는  같아요. (O)

It looks like it is going to rain today.


이따가 밥을 먹겠나 봐요. (X) -> 이따가 밥을 먹는  같아요. (O)

I think I'll eat rice later.


2. V- 보다 can only be used to express an inference/assumption from indirect experience (or a clue)

V-  같다 can be used to express an assumption/opinion from both direct or indirect experience


나미 씨가 노래를  부르나 봐요. (간접경험으로 추측)

Nami seems to sing well. (Guess from indirect experience)


나미 씨가 노래를  부르는  같아요. (직접간접 경험 후의 의견)

I think Nami can sing well. (Opinion after direct or indirect experience)


 식당 음식이 맛있나 봐요. (직접 먹지 못한 상태의 추측)

The restaurant food looks delicious. (Guess from a clue but not eating directly)


  음식이 맛있는  같아요. (다른 사람의 이야기를 들은 경우)

I think the house food is delicious. (Heard from someone else's story)


3. V- 보다 can only be used to express an inference/assumption based on an objective basis.

V-  같다 can be used to express an assumption/opinion based on either a subjective or an objective basis.

사람들이 우산을 들고 가는 걸보니비가 오나 봐요./비가 오는  같아요. (O)

Seeing people carry umbrellas, it must be raining. (Objective basis)


 생각에 뭐가 잘못됐나 봐요. (X) / 뭐가 잘못된  같아요. (O)

I think something is wrong (Subjective basis)


  먹어 봤는데음식이 맞나 봐요. (X) / 음식이 맞는  같아요. (O)

I took a bite, and I think the food taste is right. (Direct experience and subjective opinion)

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