V-어/아 가다 and V-어/아 오다 grammar = keep doing/ have been doing so far


V-/ 가다 and V-/ 오다 grammar = keep doing, continue doing/ have been doing so far



- (1) V-/ 가다 expresses that an action is going on and keeps continuing until future time.  It emphasizes the process of an action as it moves forward in time. = keep doing, continue doing

미래를 위해 열심히 공부해 가고 있어요.
I am continuing to study hard for the future.

- (2) V-/ 오다 expresses that an action has been ongoing from the past and continues up to the present time. It emphasizes the continuity and duration of an action over time. = have been doing so far

저는 5년 동안 한국어를 배워 왔어요.
I have been learning Korean for 5 years.

- (3) V-아/어 가다 also express a change over time or a gradual change 

그는 천천히 늙어 가고 있어요

He is slowly growing old.

- (4) V-아/어 가다/오다 also indicates that something is progressing towards a certain point in the near future. It highlights that a going-on action or state is nearing completion or a significant milestone. = going to complete, almost done

숙제가 끝나 가요.
The homework is almost done.

- (5) V-/ 가다/오다 also express the performance of an action while moving to a place = go and do / come and do

노래를 부르며 걸어 가요.

I walk while singing.

우리는 대화를 나누며 공원을 걸어 갔어요. 
We walked through the park while having a conversation



Verb + / 가다 

뛰다 -> 뛰어가다 (keep running)

쉬다 -> 쉬어가다 (keep resting)

늙다 -> 늙어 가다 (keep aging)

살다 -> 살아가다 (keep living)

되다 -> 되어 가다 (going to be…)

끝다 -> 끝아 가다 (going to end)

죽다 -> 죽어 가다 (going to die)

시들다 -> 시들어 가다 (keep withering)

발전하다 -> 발전해 가다 (keep developing)

만들다 -> 만들어 가다 (keep making)

공부하다 -> 공부해 가다 (keep studying)


Verb + / 오다

쓰다 -> 왔다 (have been writing so far)

믿다 -> 믿어 왔다 (have been trusting so far)

살다 -> 살아오다 (have been living so far)

참다 -> 참아 왔다 (have been enduring so far)

일하다 -> 일해 왔 (have been working so far)

운동하다 -> 운동해 왔다 (have been exercising so far) 

준비하다 -> 준비해 왔다 (have been preparing so far)



* V-/ 가다 = keep doing, continue doing / going to complete, almost done

1. 한국어를 배워 가면서 새로운 문화를 이해하게 되었어요. (continue doing)

As I continue learning Korean, I have come to understand a new culture.


2. 드라마가 끝나 가요. (going to complete)

The drama is going to end.


3. 죽어 가는 환경을 살립시다. (gradual change)

Let's save the dying environment.


4. 일을 다해 가니까 조금만 기다려 주세요. (almost done)

I'm going to finish my work, so please wait a bit.


5. 밥이 되어 가서 상을 차리기 시작했다. (almost done)

The rice was going to ripe soon, so I started setting the table.


6. 세월이 흘러 가면서 그의 모습이 많이 변했다(gradual change)

As the years kept passing, his appearance changed a lot.


7. 저는 점점 늙어 가는 엄마를 보면 항상 미안한 마음이 들었다(gradual change)

I always felt sorry for my aging mother.


8. 살아가면서 힘든 일도 많겠지만 반드시 포기하지 않을 거예요(gradual change)

There are many difficult things in life, but I will never give up.


9. 오동안 비가 오지 않아 농작물이 시들어 가고 있다. (almost done)

Because it hasn't rained for a long time, the crops are withering away.

10. 제가 한국에 온 지도 3년이 다 되어 가요. (almost done)

It's been almost 3 years since I came to Korea.

11. 환자의 상태가 점점 나아져 가고 있어요. (gradual change)
The patient's condition is gradually getting better.

12. 휴가 잘 보냈어요?

- 아니요. 휴가철이 다 끝나 가는데 휴가를 가지도 못했어요. (almost done)

Did you have a good vacation?

- No, the holiday season is almost over, but I couldn't even take a vacation.

13. 내년에 해외여행을 가려면 돈이 많이 필요하겠어요.

- 네, 이제부터 돈을 조금씩 모아 가야지요. (keep doing)

You'll need a lot of money to travel abroad next year.

- Yes, I'll save some money from now on.

14. 리사 씨, 한국어 공부 재미있어요?

- 네, 한국어로 할 수 있는 말이 늘어 가니까 더 재미있어요. (keep doing)

Lisa, do you enjoy studying Korean?

- Yes, it's more fun because I can speak more in Korean.

15. 대학교를 졸업하고 좋은 회사에 취직하고 싶어요.

- 지금부터 열심히 노력해 가면 좋은 결과가 있을 거예요. (keep doing)

I want to get a job at a good company after graduating from college.

- If you work hard from now on, you'll get good results.


*V-/ 오다 = have been doing so far

1. 나는 열심히 일해 왔어요.

I have been working hard.


2. 지금까지 내가 살아오네요.

Until now, I've been living well.


3. 지금까지 1 동안 같이 공부해 오면서 제일 좋았던 것이 뭐예요?

What was the best thing about studying together for the past year?


4. 과학자는 10 동안 반도체에 대해 연구해 왔다. (반도체 = semiconductor)

The scientist has been working on semiconductors for 10 years.


5. 어렸을 때부터 축구를 꾸준히 왔다.

I have been playing soccer constantly since I was young.


6. 그는 20 동안 우표를 수집해 왔어요. (우표 = stamp, 수집하다 = collect)

He has been collecting stamps for 20 years.


7. 저는 나노소재를 10 동안 연구해 왔고 앞으로도 계속 연구해 거예요. (나노소재 = nanomaterials)

I have been researching nanomaterials for 10 years and will continue to do so in the future.

8. 지금까지 참아왔지만 더 이상은 못 참겠어요.

I've been patient so far, but I can't stand it any longer.

9. 작년부터 지금까지 용돈을 모아 왔어요. 

I've been saving up my allowance since last year.

10. 한국 유학을 오랫동안 꿈꿔 왔어요. 

I have long dreamed of studying in Korea.

11. 한국어를 1년 정도 공부해 왔는데 아직도 모르는 것이 많다.

I've been studying Korean for about a year, and there are still many things I don't know.

12. 1년 전부터 집을 지어 왔는데 지난주에 드디어 완성됐다. 

I've been building a house for a year and it was finally completed last week.

13. 민우 씨는 정말 건강한 것 같아요. 특별한 방법이 있어요?

- 어렸을 때부터 매일 운동을 해 온 덕분인 것 같아요. 

Minwoo, you seem really healthy. Is there a special way?

- I think it's because I've been exercising every day since I was young.

14. 무슨 일이 있어요? 기분이 안 좋아 보여요.

- 제가 그동안 준비해 온 공연이 취소되었다는 연락을 받았거든요.

What's the matter? You look really unhappy.

- I got a call that the performance I've been preparing has been canceled.


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  1. Examples ans explanations not related to the grammar topic please see it one more time

  2. The grammar was updated on 09 April 2023. Hope you enjoy studying the grammar.

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