All Steps You Must Do After Obtaining Korean Citizenship 2024

Congratulations on getting Korean citizenship! You must be very happy because a long journey has ended. This opens up many new opportunities and challenges for you. This post will accompany you in the first steps in facing those challenges.

What to do after obtaining Korean citizenship?

When you are accepted for naturalization, you will receive a text message via Kakaotalk or call from immigration office to inform you about naturalization result for Korean citizenship. They will call you at a specific time and request you to read the Citizen Oath (Korean name is 국민 선서) as below:


나는 자랑스러운 대한민국 국민으로서 대한민국의 헌법과 법률을 준수하고 국민의 책임과 의무를 다할 것을 엄숙히 선서합니다. __ __ __ (본인성명)

After that, they will send you a Certificate of Naturalization (Korean name is 대한민국 귀화증서) issued by the Minister of Justice via post office as below:

대한민국 귀화증서

I. Things to do locally (round 1) 

I.1 This step is for one who forfaits current nationality to obtain Korean nationality. 

- After receiving the 귀화증서, you should wait about 4 weeks for the application to be processed.

- Go to 시.군.읍.면 주민센터 or 구청 that you registered your address when you apply for your Korean citizenship. (동 주민센터 does not work!). 등기준지 is your registered address, it will never change even if you move house in the future, and is designated as your residential address when applying for Korean citizenship.

I.1.1 Request to issue a 기본증명서(상세) as below:

1.  Go to the 증명서 counter 

2.  Tell the staff that you need to issue a "Basic Certificate - Detailed version" 기본증명서 (상세), the staff will ask if you know your 주민등록번호, you need to answer no because at this time you still do not have this number. 

Instead: Provide them with their Korean name on the nationality notice and registration address (이름 및 등록기준지)

3.  If you write the address 지번 when submitting the application, you must read the address 지번 to the staff. If you write the address 도로, you must read the address 도로

After you have the 기본증명서 certificate, do the next step.

I.1.2 File an application to renounce/forfeit your current citizenship at your country Embassy in Korea:

Necessary documents.

1. 기본증명서(상세)

2. 대한민국 귀화증서 ㅡ decided to naturalize

3. 여권사진 6장 - 6 passport photos

4. 여권원본 - Original passport

5. 출생증명서 3 copies of birth certificate ㅡ notarized photocopy of birth certificate 3 copies

It is noted that the necessary documents are different from country to country. You need to visit your country Embassy to ask for details about the necessary documents. This process can take for about one year and quite costly (over 1,000,000 won).

I.1.3 Once completed, you bring the documents to the Immigration Office:

1. 외국국적 포기 확인서 - Certificate of renunciation of foreign nationality

2. Fill in the form "Pledge of not-to-use foreign nationality" 외국국적 볼행사 서약서  

3. Buy a 2000 won stamp and a sticker and submit it.

4. When the immigration staff receives your documents, they will return to you a photocopy of the documents.

5. You can return the foreigner card at this time, or return it within 30 days by post. Before returning your foreigner card, you should make several copies to preserve in case you need to refer to it later.

I.2 This step is for person who holds 2 nationalities (multiple citizenships).

- After receiving the 귀화증서, you need to fill in the form "Pledge of not-to-use foreign nationality in Korea" (Korean name is 외국국적 불행사 서약서) and send it back to the immigration office via post office. The form can be downloaded from

- Wait about 4 weeks for the application to be processed.

- Visit 정부24 (, print out your 외국국적 불행사 서약서 certificate

II. Things to do locally (round 2)

II.1 How to issue your Korean ID card 주민등록증? 

1. Go to your nearest 주민센터, including 동 주민센터 near your home and bring:

- 2 photos 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm (taken recently) 
- 귀화증서
- 외국국적 불행사 서약서

2. Request the staff to issue a 주민등록증 then fill out the form, get fingerprinted, then wait for around 2 weeks to get the 주민등록증 card. You can request to issue a temporary 주민등록증 card.

3. After getting the 주민등록증 card, you have to return your 외국인등록증 or 영주권등록증 to the Immigration Office or its branch within 30 days. Otherwise, you will be fined! Before returning your foreigner card, you should make several copies to preserve in case you need to refer to it later.

II.2 (Optional) How to Set your Korean name? 

You can choose your own Korean name as you like, but usually Koreans will use a naming service. The reason is that Korean names are derived from Chinese characters and have profound meanings, affecting many aspects of life. In Korea there are people who research naming and specialize in this area.

A good Korean name must meet the following conditions:

- Easy to pronounce
- Follow the law of the five elements (in accordance with your "destiny" - determined by date, month, year and time of birth)
- Meaningful and suitable for personal preferences
- Therefore naming is not simple, and good naming services are very popular so the price of naming services can be up to 300,000 won/time.

To find the place named, you can search for online naming service using the keyword 작명소 on Google or open Naver map and search for offline naming service called 작명소.

You will be given a paper stating the Chinese/Korean language, the name's meaning, and the five elements assessment of the name. You can take this paper with you when you go to court in the next step so that your name is recorded accurately.

II.3 (Optional) How to change your name into Korean name after getting citizenship – proceed in court

In case you want to change your name to a Korean name, you need to go through the procedures to establish a surname and change your name in court.

You need to go to the local court 지방법원 where you live and prepare the following documents:

- 주민등록등본 2통
- 가족관계증명서 (상제) 2통
- 기본증명서 (상제) 2통
- 개인도장 (personal seal)

The reason you need 2 copies of each is because the procedure for declaring your last name and declaring your name are separate, you need to write 2 applications and have 2 different sets of documents.

Fee included:
- 송달료: 30,600원 (2020) * 2
- 인지료: 1,000원 (2020) * 2
- Total about 64000 won

If you obtain citizenship through marriage, you need the additional documents:
- 혼인증명서 1통
- Seal, seal certificate and ID card of Korean spouse

When choosing a Korean name, you must write it in Chinese. To be sure, the staff will print a table of all the Chinese characters corresponding to your name and ask you to choose the corresponding characters, then cut it out and paste it on the form.

Form to change surname and 본: 본 is the area where you are most familiar. You can see the list of Chinese 본 at the court where you applied

Name change form: Please note that when filling out this form, do not fill in your last name, only your first name. For example 도장미-> just fill in 이름 as 장미

- When writing the address to send documents, remember to write the address that you will be present during working hours - because the post office will usually deliver during this time, if you are not at home, you should not write your home address.

- Once registered, the court will make an appointment for how long it will take to get your name, depending on the area. Some are for 1 month, some are for 3 months. When a new name is announced, the court will send a text message to your phone.

- At this time, you need to go to the 구청 or 군청 office to declare first and then return to the 동.읍.면 주민센터 to register for a second ID card. Once you receive notification that the new ID card has been completed, you're good to go!

III. Final name change process in civil agencies

After getting a new ID card, first you need to visit the nearest 주민센터 to issue these documents:

1) 기본증명서 (상세) (fee 400원)
2) 주민등록초본 (외국인등록번호 포함) (fee 1000원)

III.1 How to change your name to your Korean name at bank?

Bring the following documents to update your new ID card information and name at the bank:

1) 기본증명서 (상세)
2) 주민등록초본 
3) 주민등록증
4) 대한민국 귀화증 (KB은행만)
5) 외국인 사실 증명서 (KB은행만)

- The required documents are a bit different at different banks
- You need to re-register internet banking
- The old cards can still be used normally if you don't change your English name
- In case of 토스백크 (Toss bank), you have to delete your Toss bank account and re-signup again.

III.2 How to change your name to your Korean name at mobile service providers (SK, KT, LGU and 알뜰폰)?

For premium service providers such as SK, KT, LGU+, you can request 명의변경 name change both online and offline. You can visit a nearby SK, KT, LGU+ 고객지원센터 and bring the following documents to request name change:

명의변경 구비서류 (외국인→ 한국 성인)
 - 주민등록증(내국인/재외국민) 총 2개, 
- 민등록초본(국내거소신고번호 or 외국인등록번호, 주민등록번호 모두 표기), 

For 알뜰폰 flat phone service providers such as KTM Mobile, U+유모바일, you can only request 명의변경 name change online by calling service center 114 or visit their homepage > 고객센터 > 1:1 상담문의 to request for name change.
명의변경 구비서류 (외국인→ 한국 성인)
- 주민등록증(내국인/재외국민) 총 2개, 
- 민등록초본(국내거소신고번호 or 외국인등록번호, 주민등록번호 모두 표기), 
- 명의변경 신청서 (download online)

III.3 How to Issue your Korean Passport? 

To issue your Korean passport, it is quite simple. You don't need any additional document. In case of man, you also don't need to provide the Ceritificate of Registration for military service (전시근로역 ).

1. Go to your nearest 구청 or 군청, and enter 민원여권과 to apply for a passport

2. Fill out the 여권발급신청서 form. Pay attention to translating Korean name into English name according to the rule:


3. Attach a 3.5x4.5 photo taken within the last 6 months onto the form

4. Pay fee of 53,000 원

5. If you receive your passport by post, you must pay an additional fee of 5,500 원

6. Wait 2 weeks to get your new Korean passport.

III.4 How to Issue your new Driver's License? 

You carry an old driver's license, 주민등록증, 주민등록초본 with a name change and passport.

Go to the nearest driver's license office (면허시험장 or 경찰청) to get a new driver's license. 

The price for a new bilingual driver's license is 10,000 won

III.5 How to Change your name in School/University Diploma? 

You submit 주민등록증, 주민등록초본, fill out the name change request form according to school regulations. Contact your school's student management office to receive the form because each school is different.

III.6 How to update your 4대 보험 and Tax information?

If you work for a company, you can submit 주민등록초본 (외국인등록번호 포함) and 기본증명서 (상세) to the company.

If you are self-employed, you need to go to 국민연금공단, 국민건강보험공단, 고용보험공단 to change the corresponding insurance types.

Note: when changing your name and identification number, your previous tax and insurance data will not be transferred to the new name. You need to keep documents proving that you have a foreigner's number and foreigner's name (주민등록초본 has a foreigner's number, 법무부's certificate of naturalization has a foreigner's name and number) until the next tax settlement period. to get documents directly at the tax department (you cannot withdraw online yourself because when you change your name at the bank, the old certificate 인증서 will be canceled)

At the beginning of the next year: tax finalization

When settling taxes, if you have changed your name at the bank as mentioned above, your tax settlement will go more smoothly: your card transactions in the foreigner's name will be transferred to your Korean name. You just need to settle taxes using your Korean name

However, you should still go to the tax office to withdraw a tax refund document in the name of a foreigner (bring a copy of 주민등록초본 상세 containing the name and identification number of the foreigner to prove identity). After withdrawing this paper, compare it with the tax refund document in Korean. If there is any missing amount, you can submit it along with the tax finalization document to the company.

If you hold two nationalities and do not change your name at the bank, you need to go through that procedure because according to regulations in Korea, you must use Korean nationality and cannot use foreign nationality for transactions. However, because the name change process is quite long, you will have to tell the company that it does not need to finalize taxes for you and you must finalize taxes yourself in May.

Other questions

For more detailed information, you can call 1345 외국인종합안내센터, which has instructions in 18 different languages to support you.

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