100 Korean Proverbs with Meanings for TOPIK 2 (한국어 속담) PDF
1. 가는 날이 장날 = That’s bad timing. / The going day is the market day.
→ 계획한 일을 할 때 뜻하지 않는 일이 벌어진다 = When doing what you plan, you ended up
with something unexpected.
*장날 = market day
2. 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다 = One good turn deserves another. / If the word you say is good, then the word coming back at you is good.
→ 남에게 먼저 잘 대해 줘야 남도 나에게 잘 대해 준다 = You treat others well first, then others will treat you well too.
*곱다 = nice
3. 가뭄에 콩 나듯 = Once in a blue moon. / Like
beans sprouting in a drought.
수가 너무 적다 = Chance
is too small that rarely happens
*가뭄 = drought
*나다 = sprout
4. 가재는 게 편이다 = Birds of a feather flock
together./ The crayfish is on crab's side.
→ 사람은 서로 비슷한 처지에 있거나 가까운 사람의 편을 든다 = People take sides with people who are in
a similar situation or close to each other.
*가재 = crayfish
*처지 = situation
5. 가지 많은 나무 바람 잘 날 없다 = There is no rest for a family
with many children / Tree with many branches has no windy day.
자식이 많은 부모는 걱정이 끊이지 않는다 = Parents
with many children are constantly worried.
6. 간에 붙었다 쓸개에 붙었다 한다 = One keeps changing sides / Sometimes
sticks to the liver, sometimes to the gall bladder
자기에게 이익이 되는 사람이면 아무에게나 친해지려고 한다 = Try to be friendly
with anyone for one’s own benefits.
*간 = liver
*쓸개 = gall bladder
7. 갈수록 태산 = Out of the frying pan into the fire / More and more mountain
일의 사태가 점점 심해진다 = Things are getting worse
8. 같은 값이면 다홍치마 = Other things being equal,
choose the better one. / If it is the same value, take the crimson (red) skirt.
이왕이면 보기 좋은 것을 선택한다 = If possible, choose
the one that looks good
*다홍 = crimson color
9. 강 건너 불구경하듯 한다 = To fiddle while Rome burns / It's like watching a fire across the river.
→ 남의 일인 듯 무관심한 태도를 보인다 = Shows indifferent attitude as if it were someone else's business
*불구경 = watching a fire
10. 개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못 한다 = It's an old cow's notion that she was never a calf. / Frogs forget
that they were tadpoles once too.
상황이 좋아지자 과거를 잊어버리고 잘난 체한다 = When
things get better, forget about the past and show off.
* 올챙이 = tadpole
11. 개천에서 용 난다 = Go from rags to riches / A
dragon rises from a small stream
→ 가정 형편이 어려운 집안에서 훌륭한 인물이 나온다 = A great person comes
from a poor family
*개천 = small stream
12. 걷기도 전에 뛰려고 한다 = Children learn to creep ere they can go. / Trying to run before he
can walk
쉬운 일도 못하면서 어려운 일을 하려고 한다 = Trying to do difficult things while not
being able to do easy things
13. 계란으로 바위치기 = Bang one's head against a wall. / Hitting a rock with eggs
힘이나 능력이 부족하여 승산이 없는 불가능한 일을 한다. = Doing impossible
things with no chance of winning due to lack of strength or ability
*바위를 치다 = hit
a rock
14. 고래 싸움에 새우 등 터진다 = An innocent bystander gets
hurt in a fight./ Shrimp's back bursts in whale fight
강자끼리 싸우면 사이에 있는 약자가 피해를 입는다 = When the strong fight against each other,
the weak in the middle suffers damage.
*등 = back
* 터지다 =
15. 고양이한테 생선을 맡기다 = A fox guards the hen house
/ Give fish to cat
믿음이 가지 않는 사람에게 일을 맡기다 = entrusting
work to an untrustworthy person
16. 공든 탑이 무너지랴 = Hard work always pays off.
열과 성을 다해서 한 일은 좋은 결과를 얻는다 = Work done with passion and strength yields good results
*공들다 = take much labor
17. 구관이 명관이다 = Old shoes are easiest. / Old building is famous.
→ 오래 전부터 일한 사람이 새로 온 사람보다 낫다 = A person
who has worked for a long time is better than a new person
18. 구렁이 담 넘어가듯 하다 = snaking around / It's like a serpent going over a fence
어떤 일을 분명하게 처리하지 않고 남이 모르는 틈에 슬그머니 얼버무린다 = Deal with something unclearly and sneak
up on it while others don't know it.
* 구렁이 = big snake
19. 구슬이 서 말이라도 꿰어야 보배 = Nothing is complete unless
you put it in final shape./ Beads only become a treasure when they are strung
아무리 좋고 훌륭한 것이라도 쓸모 있게 만들어야 가치가 있다 = No
matter how good and wonderful it may be, it is worth making it useful.
* 구슬을 꿰다 = string beads
*쓸모 있게 만들다 = making something useful
20. 굴러온 돌이 박힌 돌 뺀다 = Bad money drives out good. /
The rolling stone takes out the embedded stone.
새로운 것이 기존에 있던 것을 쫓아내고 자리를 차지한다 = The new displaces the
old and takes its place.
21. 금강산도 식후경 = Pudding rather than praise / Even at Mt’s Geumgang, sightseeing
after eating.
아무리 좋은 경치라 해도 배고프면 관심이 없다 = No matter how beautiful the scenery, if
you are hungry, you will not be interested.
22. 기르던 개에게 다리 물렸다 = My dog bit my leg
도와주고 은혜를 베푼 사람한테서 오히려 피해를 입었다 = You were harmed by the person who you
have helped.
23. 꼬리가 길면 잡힌다 = Long tails are easily caught. / If your tail is long, it would be trampled upon
→ 나쁜 일을 계속하면 언젠가는 들킨다 = If you keep doing bad things, you'll be found out one day.
24. 꿈보다 해몽이 좋다 = Interpreting a dream is
better than the dream itself
좋지 않은 상황을 좋게 해석한다 = It is good to interpret
a bad situation.
25. 꿩 대신 닭 = Something is better than
nothing / a chicken instead of a pheasant
적절한 것이 없을 때 조금 안 좋은 것을 선택하여 사용한다 = When there is no suitable one, choose and
use the slightly worse one.
26. 낫 놓고 기역자도 모른다 = Lay down a sickle and still not recognize the letter ㄱ
사람이 글자를 모르거나 매우 무식하다 = A person doesn't know
the letters or are very ignorant.
* 'ㄱ' is the first letter in the
Korean alphabet, which resembles a sickle. So this expression suggests that
someone is very ignorant and doesn`t know 'ㄱ' even though he watch a
sickle which is shaped like 'ㄱ'
27. 나무에 오르라 하고 흔드는 격 = Told someone to climb the
tree and shake it.
남을 꾀어 위험한 상황에 처하게 한다 = Allure
a person into a dangerous situation
28. 남의 떡이 커 보인다 = The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence./ Other
person's rice cake looks bigger.
자기 것에 만족하지 못하고 남이 가진 것을 부러워하다 = Dissatisfied
with one's own and envy what others have
29. 남의 잔치에 감 놔라 배 놔라 한다 = Poking one’s nose into
other people's business
쓸데없이 남의 일에 참견한다 = meddle in other people's business
30. 낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다 = Event walls have ears / Birds hear the daytime talks, and mice hear
nighttime talks.
→ 비밀은 없으므로 말을 조심해야 한다 = Secret is difficult to keep, so be
careful to what you say
31. 누울 자리를 보고 다리를 뻗어라 = Look before you
leap. / Look for a place to lie down and stretch legs.
어떤 일을 할 때 다가올 결과를 미리 예상해 가면서 일을 해야 한다 = When
you do something, you must anticipate the consequences that will come.
32. 누워서 떡 먹기 = Easy
like eating a piece of cake / Easy like eating a rice cake on the bed.
매우 쉽게 할 수 있는 일을 말한다 = Say about something that can be done very
33. 누워서 침 뱉기 = Cut off your nose to spite your face./ Spit
while you are lying on your back.
남을 나쁘게 하기 위한 행동 같지만 그 결과는 자신한테 돌아온다 = It seems like an action intended to harm
others, but the consequences come back to himself.
*침 뱉다 = spit
34. 다 된 밥에 재 뿌리기 = Ruining things that are in near success / Spray ashes on top of cooked rice.
→ 잘 되어 가던 일을 갑자기 망쳐 실패하게 한다. Suddenly ruin something that was going well
*다된 밥 = rice almost ready to
*재 뿌리기 = spraying ash
35. 닭 쫓던 개 지붕 쳐다본다 = So much for all
our plans / The dog that chased chicken looks at the roof (chicken flew to the
하려고 하던 일이 실패로 돌아가서 어쩔 수 없다 = The work you was
trying to do has failed and it can't be helped.
36. 도토리 키 재기 = Not
much of a difference. / Measure the height of acorns
실력이 비슷한 사람끼리 비교한다 = Compare people with similar skills
37. 도둑을 맞으려면 개도 안 짖는다 = Dogs won't bark if
they want to be robbed.
재수가 없으려면 계속해서 모든 일이 잘 안 된다 = Everything keeps going
wrong if you're going to be unlucky.
38. 도둑이 제 발 저리다 = A guilty conscience needs no accuser./ a
thief numbs his feet
죄를 지은 사람이 마음 불안해한다 = The
person who made guilty is anxious
39. 돌다리도 두드려보고 건너라 = look
before you leap/ knock on the stone bridge and cross it.
행동을 하기 전에 다시 한 번 확인해야 한다 = You should double check
before you act
* 두드리다 =
knock on something
40. 될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 알아본다 = Genius displays itself even in
childhood./ A great tree is told by its sprig.
잘 될 사람은 어릴 때부터 남다른 데가 있다 = Successful person has
been unusual since childhood.
* 될성부르다 =promising
*떡잎 = seed leaf
41. 등잔 밑이 어둡다 = It's easy to miss what is in front of you /The foot of the candle
is dark.
→ 가까운 곳에서 생긴 일을 오히려 잘 모른다 = What happened nearby
is easy to miss.
* 등잔 = oil
42. 땅 짚고 헤엄치기 = It’s a piece of cake./
Swimming while touching the ground.
매우 쉬운 일 = A
very easy work
* 짚다 = place
(hand, body) on something
*헤엄치다 = swim
43. 떡 본 김에 제사 지낸다 = Make hay while the sun shines./
When you see the rice cake (fortune), you should do the ancestral rite (the important
→ 계획한 일을 하는데 우연히 필요한 것이 나타나면 그것으로 하려던 일을 해치운다 = If
you happen to have what you need to do, you do what you plan to do with it.
44. 떡 줄 사람은 생각도 않는데 김칫국부터 마신다 = Don't count your chickens
before they hatch./ Someone does not even think about giving you a rice cake,
but you already have drunk kimchi broth.
상대방은 줄 생각을 안 하는데 받을 것을 기대하며 좋아한다 = The
other person doesn't think about giving, but you expect to receive it. (E.g.,
You like a girl and has already thought that she also likes you.)
*In Korea, people used to drink kimchi broth first before
eating rice cake.
45. 똥 묻은 개가 겨 묻은 개 나무란다 = The pot calls the kettle black./
The dung-stained dog scolds the chaff-stained dog.
→ 자기의 흉이 더 큰데도 남의 작은 흉을 본다 = Seeing
other people's small scars/ even though one's own scars are bigger
*나무라다 = scold, blame
*흉 = scar, flaw
46. 뛰는 놈 위에 나는 놈있다 = Talent above the talent./ There
is a flying guy above the running guy.
아무리 재주가 뛰어난 사람이라고 해도 더 뛰어난 사람이 있다 = No
matter how talented a person is, there are people who are more talented.
47. 말 한마디로 천냥 빚 갚는다 = A soft answer turns away wrath
/ A good tongue is a good weapon./ A word may repay a debt of a thousand nyang.
말을 잘하면 어려운 일도 해결할 수있다 = Nếu
nói giỏi thì việc khó cũng có thể giải quyết được
* 천냥 = a
thousand nyang (nyang = a unit of Korean coinage)
*빚을 갚다 = pay
one’s debt
48. 맞은 놈은 펴고 자고 때린 놈은 오그리고 잔다 = The beaten, but not the beater, sleeps well.
남을 괴롭하면 뒷일이 걱정되지만 당한 사람은 속편하다 = If you bully others, you worry about what
will happen next, but the person who suffered is comfortable.
49. 먼 사촌보다 가까운 이웃이 낫다 = A good neighbor is better than a distant cousin
→ 가까이 사는 이웃이 멀리 있는 이웃보다 도움이 된다 = Neighbors living near are more helpful than neighbors far away
50. 모난 돌이 정 맞는다 = An angular
stone is bound to be hit by a chisel./ A tall tree catches much wind.
두각을 나타내는 사람이 미움을 받는다 = A person who stands
out is hated
51. 모로 가도 서울만 가면 된다 = The end justifies the
means./ Whichever the road you use, you just need to go to Seoul.
→ 목적 달성을 위해서는 어떤 방법을 써도 괜찮다 = You can use any method
to achieve your goal.
52. 모르면 약 아는 게 병 = Ignorance is the peace of
life/ Not knowing is medicine, knowing is disease.
아무것도 모르면 마음이 편하지만 알고 있으면 걱정이 생겨 마음이 불편하다 = If you don't know anything, you feel at
ease, but if you do, you worry and feel uncomfortable.
53. 목마른 사람이 우물 판다 = A thirsty man digs a well./ There isn’t such a thing as a free
필요한 사람이 문제를 해결한다 = A person who desperate for something will
do that. (Instead of waiting for others to do it for him or her.)
54. 물에 빠지면 지푸라기라도 잡는다 = A drowning man will catch at a straw.
다급하면 별 도움이 안 될 것을 알지만 그것에 의지한다 = You
know it won't help much if you are in a hurry, but you rely on it.
*빠지다 = fall into
*지푸 = straw
*다급하다 = urgent
55. 물에 빠진 놈 건져 놓으니 보따리 내놓으라 한다 = No good deed goes unpunished./ If you save a man from drowning,
he'll demand you also save his baggage.
남에게 은혜를 입고도 고마운 줄 모르고 트집을 잡는다 = Even if you receive
favor from others, you do not know how to be grateful.
*건지다 = scoop, recover
* 보따리 =
pack, baggage
56. 믿는 도끼에 발등 찍힌다 = In trust is treason/ You get stabbed in your foot by the axe you
believe in
믿었던 일이나 사람한테 배신을 당한다 = Betrayed by something or
someone you believed in
57. 밑 빠진 독에 물 붓기 = It's like a bottomless pit./
I tried my best, but it’s going nowhere.
아무리 힘이나 노력을 들여도 헛된 일이 된다 = No matter how much effort you put in, it
will be in vain
*독 = jar
*밑 빠진
독 = a jar without
bottom, a bottomless jar.
58. 바늘 가는 데 실 간다 = Where the needle goes, the thread will follow.
관계가 있는 것끼리 떨어지지 않고 항상 함께 한다 = Things that are
related never fall apart, always stay together.
* 바늘 =
59. 바늘 도둑이 소 도둑 된다 = One lie makes many./ He
that will steal a pin will steal an ox.
작은 나쁜 짓도 고치지 않으면 큰 죄를 저지르는 사람이 된다. = If you don't fix even a small bad thing, you become a
person who commits a big sin.
60. 바다는 메워도 사람의 욕심은 못 채운다 = The miser's bag is never full./ Even if the sea is filled, it
can't satisfy people's greed.
사람의 욕심이 바다보다도 크다 = Man's greed is greater than the sea
*메우다 = fill (up)
61. 발없는 말이 천리 간다 = The walls have ears. / Words without feet
can go a thousand mile.
소문은 빨리 퍼지므로 말조심해야 한다 = Rumors spread quickly,
so be careful
*천리 = a thousand ri (리 = a Korean unit of distance)
62. 배보다 배꼽이 더 크다 = The tail wagging the dog. / The belly
button is bigger than the belly.
당연히 커야 할 것이 작고 작아야 할 것이 오히려 크다 = What should be large is small and what
should be small is rather large. (e.g., the repair cost of a car is more than
the price of the car.)
63 백지장도 맞들면 낫다 = Two
heads are better than one./ It’s better even if we lift a blank sheet together.
두 사람이 힘을 합치면 혼자 하는 것보다 쉽다 = When two people work
together, it is easier than doing it alone
*백지장 = blank sheet
* 맞들다 =
lift something up together
64. 벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙인다 = The nobler, the humbler. / The more rice ripens, the lower its head.
→ 아는 것이 많은 사람일수록 더 겸손하다 = The more you know, the more humble you are.
*벼 = rice
*익다 = ripen
65. 벼룩이 간을 내어 먹는다 = Get blood from a stone. / Take out and
eat the liver of a flea
약한 사람에게서 빼앗아 이익을 취한다 = Take
away from the weak to get advantages.
*벼룩 = flea
66. 불난 집에 부채질 한다 = Add oil to the fire. / Fan the house on
좋은 상황을 더 안 좋게 만든다 = Make
a good situation worse.
*불을 나다 = catch
* 부채질하다 = fan
67. 비 온 뒤에 땅이 굳는다 = After a storm
comes a calm. / After the rain, the ground hardens
→시련을 겪은 후에는 더 강해진다 = After the ordeal, you
become stronger.
*굳다 = harden, stiffen
*시련 = ordeal, hardship
68. 빈 수레가 요란하다 = Empty
vessels make the most sound.
→잘 알지 못하는 사람이 겉으로는 더 떠든다 = People who don't know much talk more
*수레 = wagon, cart,
* 요란하다 =
noisy, loud
* 떠들다 =
talk, chat
69. 사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 간다 = Too many cooks
spoil the broth. / If there are many sailors, the boat goes to the mountains
여러 사람이 일을 결정하려고 하면 일이 제대로 안 된다 = When
many people try to make decisions, thing won’t go right.
70. 서당 개 삼 년이면 풍월을 읊는다 = Practice
makes perfect. / The sparrow near the school sings the primer. / After three
years the school dog will begin to recite
무식한 사람도 오래 보거나 배우면 어느 정도 알게 된다 = Even
an ignorant person can learn to a certain extent by watching or learning for a
long time.
*풍월 = ideas (manners)
learned from others
*욾다 = recite
71. 세 살 버릇 여든 간다 = Old habits die hard. / Three years old habit goes eighty
→어릴 때 생긴 버릇은 고치기 힘들다 = Habits formed in childhood are hard to fix.
*버릇 = habit
72. 소 잃고 외양간 고친다 = Close the barn doors after the horse has
bolted./ Fix the barn after losing a cow.
→준비하지 않고 실패한 후에 후회하고 뒤늦게 수습한다 = After failing without preparation, regret
and make up for it belatedly
* 외양간 =
barn, stable
* 수습한다 =
handle, sort out
73. 싼게 비지떡 = Buy cheap, buy
twice. / Low price means low quality./ You get what you pay for.
→싼 물건은 품질도 떨어진다 = Low price means low quality.
74. 아는 길도 물어 가라 = Look before you leap. / Even if you know
the road, ask first, and go.
→잘하는 일이라 하더라도 다시 확인하여 실수하지 않도록 해야 한다 = Even
if you're good at something, you should double-check it, so you don't make a
75. 아니 땐 굴뚝에 연기 나랴 = There is no smoke
without fire. / Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
어떤 소문이 퍼지는 것에는 그만한 이유가 있다 = There is a good reason why some rumors
*굴뚝 = chimney
*연기 = smoke
76. 아닌 밤중에 홍두깨 = Bolt
out of the blue (sky)./ A wooden roller thrust out in the dark.
갑자기 생긴 뜻밖의 일 = Something unexpected
* 홍두깨 = wooden
roller used in smoothing cloth
77. 얌전한 고양이가 부뚜막에 먼저 올라간다 = A fair face may
hide a foul heart. / A well-behaved cat goes up the buttumak (wood-burning
stove) first.
겉보기에는 얌전하고 아무것도 못할 것처럼 보이는 사람이 딴짓을 하거나 자기 실속을 차린다 = Người
nhìn vẻ bề ngoài dường như rất ngoan ngoãn và dường như bất cứ cái gì cũng
không thể làm mà lại làm việc linh tinh hoặc làm việc có lợi cho bản than
*얌전하다 = well-behaved, obedient,
*부뚜막 = Korean wood-burning
stove, buttumak
78. 열번 찍어 안 넘어가는 나무 없다 = Little
strokes fell great oaks. / There is no tree that does not fall after being cutting
down ten times.
꾸준히 노력하면 결국에는 이룰 수있다 = If you keep trying,
you can achieve it in the end.
79. 오르지 못할 나무는 쳐다보지도 마라 = Don't waste your
time pining for what you can't have./ Don't stare at a tree you won't be able
to climb.
가능성이 없는 일이라면 생각도 하지 마라. = If it's impossible,
don't even think about it
80. 옷이 날개다 = The tailor makes
the man. / Fine clothes make the man. / Clothes are wings.
입은 옷에 따라서 사람이 달라 보인다 = People
look different depending on the clothes they wear.
*날개 = wings
81. 우는 아이 젖 준다 = The squeaky wheel gets the grease./ Give milk to a crying baby.
요구하지 않으면 원하는 것을 얻을 수 없다 = You can't get what you want if you don't
ask for it
82. 우물을 파도 한 우물을 파라 = Don't chase two hares at once. / You should dig a single well rather than digging many.
→ 여러 가지 일을 벌이지 말고 한 가지 일을 끝까지 해야 성공할 수 있다 = You can succeed only by doing one thing to the end, not doing many things.
*파다 = dig
83. 원수는 외나무 다리에서 만난다 = Meet bad
luck one cannot escape./ Encounter an enemy on a single log bridge.
싫어하는 사람은 피할 수 없는 곳에서 만나게 된다 = Person you hate will
meet you in place you can't avoid.
*원수 = energy, foe
*외나무 = single log bridge
84. 원숭이도 나무에서 떨어질 때가 있다 = Even Homer sometimes nods. /
Nobody is perfect. / Even monkeys sometimes fall from trees.
잘하는 일도 실수 할 때가 있다 = Sometimes
you make mistakes in what you're good at.
85. 윗물이 맑아야 아랫물도 맑다 = Parents are patterns. / The lower stream is clean only when the
upper stream is clean.
윗사람이 잘해야 아랫사람도 따라서 잘한다 = If superiors do well,
then subordinates do well too.
86. 쥐구멍에도 볕들 날 있다 = Every dog has his day. / Sun even shine into a mouse hole
→고생만 하는 사람도 언젠가는 좋은 시기가 온다 = Even those who suffer will have a good
time someday.
*쥐구멍 = rat hole, mouse hole
*볕들다 = shine into
87. 지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀한다 = Even a worm will turn
→약한 사람일지라도 지나치게 함부로 대하면 가만히 있지 않는다 = Even
a weak person won't stand still if he is treated harshly.
*지렁이 = earthworm
*밟다 = step on, trample
*꿈틀하다 = wriggle
88. 참새가 방앗간을 그냥지나랴 = No man goes carelessly by a
place where profit lips. / A sparrow cannot just pass a mill.
자기가 좋아하거나 자기에게 이익이 되는 일은 그냥 지나치지 못한다 = You can't let go of what you like or what
benefits you.
*참새 = sparrow
*방앗간 = mill, grinding mill
89. 천리 길도 한 걸음부터 = Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.
/ Step by step one goes a long way.
아무리 큰일이라도 처음에는 작은 일부터 시작된다. = No matter how big a task, it starts with small things.
90. 친구 따라 강남 간다 = Just go along with the crowd. / Follow a friend to Gangnam
남에게 끌려 덩달아 하다 = To be allured by others.
91. 콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다 = An onion will not produce a rose. / As one sows, so shall he reap.
/ White beans come out when you plant white beans, read deans come out when you
plant red beans.
→ 원인에 따라 결과가 생긴다 = The
consequences depend on the cause.
92. 티끌 모아 태산 = Many a little makes a mickle. / Little brooks make great rivers.
→ 아무리 적은 것이라도 모이면 큰 것이 된다 = No matter how little things add up, they become big things.
*티끌 = dust
*태산 = a huge mountain
93. 팔은 안으로 굽는다 = Men are blind in their own
causes. / The skin is nearer than the shirt. / Arms bend inwardly
가까운 사람에게 정이 더 간다 = More affection towards
people close to you.
94. 평안 감사도 저 싫으면 그만 = You can lead a horse to the
water, but you can't make him drink./ It can't be helped if someone does not
want to become the ruler of Pyeongan
아무리 좋은 일이라도 자기 마음에 안 들면 할 수 없다 = No matter how good it is, if you don't
like it, you can't do it.
95. 핑계 없는 무덤 없다 = Every why has a wherefore./ There's an excuse for everything.
모든 일은 다 이유가 있다 = Everything has a
*핑계 = excuse
*무덤 = grave
96. 하늘의 별 따기 = Like asking for the moon. /
Like picking a star.
매우 어려운 일 = A
very difficult task.
97. 하늘이 무너져도 솟아날 구멍이 있다 = Every cloud has a
silver lining./ Nothing is totally bad. / There is a way out of every situation
아무리 큰 위기라 하더라도 벗어날 방법은 있다 = No matter how big a crisis is, there's a
way out.
98. 하룻강아지 범 무서운 줄 모른다 = Fools rush in where angels
fear to tread./ An ignorant person doesn't stand in awe of the great./ One-day puppy doesn’t know how scary a tiger
아무것도 모르고 함부로 덤빈다 = Don't know anything and run to
*범 = tiger
*덤비다 = run at somebody
99. 호랑이 없는 곳에서 여우가 왕노릇한다 = In the land of the blind the
one-eyed man is king./Where there is no tiger, fox is king.
→힘센 자가 없는 곳에서는 못나고 약한 자가 잘난체한다 = Where
there are no strong men, the weak and the poor show off.
100. 호랑이한테 물려가도 정신만 차리면 산다 = There's always a way out if
you keep your head on straight./ If you stay alert, you can survive even when
you are chased by a tiger.
정신을 똑바로 차리면 위험한 상황을 벗어날 수있다 = You can get out of a dangerous situation
if you keep your mind straight.
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Source: collected from Facebook and translated by koreantopik.com