N-에 비해(서) and N-보다 grammar = compared to N, than N ~express comparison of two things

N- 비해() and N-보다 grammar = compared to N, than N ~express comparison between two things


Usage of N- 비해() grammar:

- N- 비해서 is used to express comparison, in which the noun preceding - 비해서 is the standard from which the comparison is made = compared to…

- N- 비해서 is also often used in the form of N- 비해 or N- 비하여

Usage of N-보다 grammar:

- N-보다 is simply used to express comparison between two things = -er than N, more than N



Noun + 비해() = compared to N

월세 -> 월세에 비해서 (compared to monthly rent)

가격 -> 가격에 비해서 (compared to price)

성격 -> 성격에 비해서 (compared to personality)

한국 -> 한국에 비해서 (compared to Korea)

작년 -> 작년에 비해서 (compared to last year)


Noun + 보다 = than N

사과 -> 사과보다 (…than apple)

물건 -> 물건보다 (…than goods)

한국 -> 한국보다 (…than Korea)

작년 -> 작년보다 (…than last year)



* N- 비해() = compared to N

1. 백화점 물건에 비해서 시장 물건이 싸요.

Compared to the department store items, the market items are cheaper.


2. 작년에 비해서 올해 물건값이 많이 올랐어요.

Compared to last year, the price of goods has risen a lot this year.


3. 시골은 도시에 비해서 공기가 좋아요.

Compared to city, the air in countryside is better.


4. 달리기는 걷기에 비해 많은 열량이 소모돼요.

Running burns more calories than walking.


5. 요즘은 전세에 비해 월세가 많아요.

These days, the monthly rent is higher than the lease.


6. 가격에 비해 품질이 좋은 같아요.

I think the quality is good for the price.


7. 남향집이 북향집에 비해서 따뜻해요.

South-facing houses are warmer than north-facing houses.


8. 아파트는 1 층이 다른 층에 비해서 시끄러워요.

The first floor of the apartment is noisy compared to the other floors.


9. 동생이 언니에 비해서 키가 커요.

My younger brother is taller than my older sister.


10. 우리 고향 날씨가 한국에 비해서 더워요.

The weather in my hometown is hotter than in Korea.


11. 조금 전에 찾은 집은 어땠어요?

- 보증금이 것에 비해서 넓고 깨끗해 보였어요.

How was the house you just found?

- Compared to the cheap deposit, it looked spacious and clean.


* N-보다 = than N

 1. 백화점 물건보다 시장 물건이 싸요.

Market items are cheaper than department store items.


2. 지하철이 버스보다 빠릅니다.

The subway is faster than the bus.


3. 동생이 언니보다 키가 커요.

The brother is taller than the sister.


4. 우리 고향 날씨가 한국보다 더워요.

The weather in my hometown is hotter than in Korea.


5. 시골은 도시보다 공기가 좋아요.

The countryside has better air than the city.


Differences between - 비해서 and -보다 grammars

- 비해서 and -보다 have very similar usage and can be used interchangeably at some extent. However, there are some major differences as below:


1. -보다 can be used with interrogative adverbs such as 누구, 무엇보다… but - 비해서 can’t


무엇보다도 소중한 것은 인권이다.

The most important thing is human rights.


부장은 누구보다도 빠르게 승진을 했다.

Manager Park was promoted faster than anyone else.


2. -보다 is used when referring to places, but 비해서 can’t


우리 아이는 집에서보다 학교에서 밥을 먹어요.

My child eats better at school than at home


3. -보다 is used when comparing abstract things (추상적) such as thoughts, ideas… but 비해서 can’t


토니는 생각보다 돈을 많이 벌지 못했어.

Tony didn't make as much money as he thought.


4. - 비하다 is more often used in formal writings.


우리 회사는 다른 회사에 비해서 대우가 좋은 편이다.

Compared to other companies, our company pays well.


우리가 버는 돈에 비해 지금 내는 세금이 결코 가벼운 편이 아니었다.

Compared to the money we make, the taxes we pay now were by no means light.

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