V-ㄹ/을까 말까 grammar = whether or not ~express hesitation of doing something


V-/을까 말까 grammar = whether or not ~express hesitation of doing something



- V-/을까 말까 = 을까 (should I, shall I) + 말까 (not to do)

- V-/을까 말까 is used to express hesitation of whether doing something or not = whether or not

- V-/을까 말까 is often used together with 하다, 고민하다, 생각하다, 결정하다 to form new grammatical structures as below:


V-/을까 말까 하다 = I am wondering whether to do or not

V-/을까 말까 고민하다 = I am worrying whether to do or not

V-/을까 말까 생각하다 = I am thinking whether to do or not

V-/을까 말까 결정하다 = I am deciding whether to do or not

 V-ㄹ/을까 하다 grammar is used to express a vague intention or uncertain plan that can still change = be thinking of



Verb + /을까 말까 (하다, 고민하다, 생각하다, 결정하다) = whether to do or not

가다 -> 갈까 말까 (whether to go or not)

먹다 -> 먹을까 말까 (whether to eat or not)

타다 -> 탈까 말까 (whether to take or not)

배우다 -> 배울까 말까 (whether to learn or not)

만들다 -> 만들까 말까 (whether to make or not)

이사하다 -> 이사할까 말까 (whether to move or not)



1. 날씨가 더워서 코트를 입을까 말까 생각 중이에요.

The weather is a bit hot, so I'm thinking about wearing a coat or not.


2. 새로 구두가 커서 교환할까 말까 생각 중이에요.

The new shoes I bought are a bit big, so I'm thinking about exchanging them or not


3. 속이 좋아서 밥을 먹을까 말까 고민 중이에요.

I'm not feeling well, so I'm thinking about whether to eat or not.


4. 피곤해서 운동을 하러 갈까 말까 생각 중이에요.

I'm tired, so I'm thinking about going to exercise or not.


5. 졸업 후에 한국에서 취직할까 말까 결정 중이에요.

I'm deciding whether to get a job in Korea or not after graduation.


6. 여자를 계속 만날까 말까 고민 중이에요.

I'm contemplating whether to keep meeting her or not.


7. 결혼을 할까 말까 고민하고 있어요.

I'm contemplating whether to get married or not.


8. 새로 휴대폰을 살까 말까 계속 생각했어요.

I kept thinking whether to buy a new phone or not.


9. 옷이 좋기는 한데 너무 비싸서 살까 말까 생각 중이에요.

I like this outfit, but it's too expensive, so I'm thinking about buying it or not.


10. 대학교를 졸업한 후에 미국으로 유학을 갈까 말까 고민하고 있어요.

After graduating from university, I am contemplating whether to go to the USA to study or not.


11. 커퓨터를 새로 샀다면서요? 어떤 샀어요?

- 아직 샀어요. 살까 말까 해요.

You said you bought a new computer? which one did you buy?

- I haven't bought it yet. I am wondering whether to buy or not.


12. 점심 식사 했어요?

- 아니요. 배가 별로 고프지 않아서 먹을까 말까 해요.

Did you have lunch?

- No. I'm not really hungry, so I'm wondering whether to eat or not.

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