A/V-더라, -더군(요) grammars = I saw/ heard/ felt that ~express one’s recollection about past event


A/V-더라, -더군() grammars = I saw/ heard/ felt that ~express one’s recollection about past event



-A/V-더라 is used to express the recollection that one has directly experienced or learned in the past = I saw / heard / felt experienced that

-더군() = 더라 (recollection) + 군요 (surprise) = express the similar meaning as -더라, but also carries the sense of surprise or emphasis.

-더라고요 is the honorific form of -더라 (See details at: -더라고요 grammar)



A/V-더라 = I directly saw/ heard/ felt that

먹다 -> 먹더라

오다 -> 오더라

작다 -> 작더라

크다 -> 크더라


A/V-더라군() = I directly saw/ heard/ felt that

먹다 -> 먹더군

오다 -> 오더군

작다 -> 작더군

크다 -> 크더군



*A/V-더라 = I directly saw/ heard/ felt that

1. 우리 팀이 이겨서 정말 신나더라.

I was really excited because our team won.

2. 지난번에 마셔 봤는데 맛있더라.

I tried it last time and it was delicious.


3. 어제 영화를 봤는데 재미있더라.

I saw a movie yesterday and it was interesting.


4. 미카 씨가 불고기를 먹더라.

(I saw) Mika ate bulgogi well.


5. 수지가 머리를 짧게 잘랐더라.

(I saw) Susie cut her hair short.


6. 식당 음식이 맛있더라.

The food at that restaurant was delicious.


7. 5 전에 옷을 꺼내 봤는데 옷이 아직 괜찮더라.

I took out the clothes I bought 5 years ago, and it is still fine.


8. 인터넷으로 물건을 사니까 편리하고 가격도 싸더라.

(I experienced that) Buying things online is convenient and cheap.


9. 점심 학교 식당에서 리사가 밥을 먹더라.

During lunch, (I saw) Lisa ate at the restaurant in front of the school.


10. 같이 축구를 보니까 지훈이가 축구를 잘하더라.

When we played soccer together, Jihoon was really good at soccer.


11. 오늘 관람한 공연 어땠어?

- 너무 지루해서 값이 아깝더라.

How was the performance you watched today?

- It was so boring that it’s waste of money for the ticket.


12. 학교 식당, 음식이 맛있지?

- 음식은 맛이 있는데 가게가 깨끗하지 않더라.

The restaurant in front of the school, the food is delicious, right?

- The food is delicious, but the store is not clean.

13. 아이가 강아지를 처음 봤을 어떻게 했어?

- 강아지가 너무 작으니까 만지지도 않고 한참을 살펴보더라.

What did you do when the child first saw the puppy?

- The dog was so small that he looked for a long time without touching it.


14. 전시회는 보고 왔어?

- 아침에 전시회를 보러 미술관에 갔는데 문을 닫았더라.

Did you enjoy the exhibition?

- I went to the art museum to see the exhibition in the morning and it was closed.


*A/V-더라군() = I saw/heard that

1. 요새 이걸 찾는 학생들이 많더군.

There are a lot of students looking for this these days.


2. 식당의 비빔밥이 아주 맛있더군.

The bibimbap at that restaurant was very delicious.


3. 지훈이가 축구를 아주 잘하더군.

(I saw) Jihoon is very good at soccer.


4. 리사가 정말 맛있는 케이크를 만들었더군.

(I knew) Lisa made a really delicious cake.


5. 앨범을 보니까 여행을 가서 찍은 사진이 많더군.

When I looked at the album, there were many photos taken while traveling.


6. 때는 기차를 탔는데 3시간이 걸리더군.

I took the train on the way here, but it took three hours.


7. 오늘 학교 행사에서 안나가 한복을 입었더군.

(I saw) Anna wore Hanbok at the school event today.


8. 어제 연극은 많이 슬프더군.

The play I saw yesterday was very sad.


9. 배우는 연기도 잘하고 노래도 부르더군요.

- 그렇지요? 그래서 인기가 많은 같아요.

That actor was good at acting and sang well.

- Is it? I guess that's why she's popular.


10. 오랜만에 고향에 내려가 보니까 어떠셨어요?

- 모든 것이 변해서 낯설더군요.

How was it when you went back to your hometown after a long time?

- Everything has changed, so it's a little strange.


11. 어땠어요?

- 정말 감동적이더군요.

How was the book?

- It was really touching.


12. 수지가 사이에 많이 컸더군요.

- 그렇죠? 정말 많이 같아요.

While I couldn't see Suzy, she grew up a lot.

- Yes? I think it's really big.


Conversation example:

: 지난 주말에 김수지가 나오는 드라마가 시작한 알아? 벌써 모든 신문에서 화제가 됐더라.

: 그래, 몰랐어. 너는 드라마를 봤니?

: , 봤지. 내용도 재미있고 같이 나오는 배우들도 연기를 잘하더라.

: 그렇구나. 나도 한번 보고 싶다.

: 너도 보면 분명히 좋아할 거야.

A: Did you know that a drama featuring Kim Sooji started last weekend? It has already become a hot topic in all newspapers.

B: Really, I didn't know that. Did you see that drama?

A: Yes, I saw it. The content is interesting, and the actors are good at acting.

B: I see. I want to see it too.

A: You will surely like it when you see it.

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