V-(으)ㄴ/는 셈치다 grammar = let’s just assume, as if ~express a supposition considering something to be true in unfortunate situations


V-()/ 셈치다 grammar = let’s just assume, as if you intended to ~express a supposition considering something to be true in unfortunate situations.



- = calculation, 셈치다 = suppose, assume, grant (that)

- V-()/ 셈치다 is used to suppose an action or a state of affairs to be true in unfortunate situations as it hasn’t occurred or is different from in reality = let’s just assume…, think of it as…, consider as…, pretend, … as if you intended to…

- V-()/ 셈치다 can be replaced by V-()ㄴ다고 생각하다 without meaning change.




Verb + 셈치다 (Present tense) | () 셈치다 (Past tense)

가다 -> 가는 셈치다 -> 셈치다 (think of it as going…)

먹다 -> 먹는 셈치다 -> 먹은 셈치다 (consider as eating…)

속다 -> 속는 셈치다 -> 속은 셈치다 (think of it as being fooled)

없다 -> 없는 셈치다 -> 없은 셈치다 (pretend not to exist…)

운동하다 -> 운동하는 셈치다 -> 운동한 셈치다 (think of it as exercising…)




1. 엘리베이터가 고장 났어요.

- 그래요? 그럼 계단으로 가야겠네요. 운동하는 셈칩시다./운동한다고 생각합시다.

The elevator is broken.

- Really? Then we should go to the stairs. Let's think of it as we're working out


2. 선생님이 있으면 칭피해서 말을 못하겠어.

- 그럼 선생님이 없는 셈치고 이야기해./ 없다고 생각하고 이야기해.

If there is the teacher, I am embarrassed so I can’t say anything.

- Then, thinking as there is no teacher and talk


3. 오늘 저녁 식사를 대접하고 싶은데요.

- 죄송합니다. 오늘 바빠서요. 먹은 셈치겠습니다. / 먹었다고 생각하겠습니다.

I'd like to treat you to dinner tonight.

- I'm sorry. I'm a little busy today. I'll consider as I have had dinner.


4. 유학 남자 친구한테 계속 연락 없어?

- . 이제는 그냥 죽은 셈치고 잊어버릴 거야.

You haven't contacted your studying-abroad boyfriend?

- Yeah, now let’s just assume I'm dead and forget it.


5. 정말 이번에 투자하면 돈을 있을까요?

- 그럼요, 속는 셈치고 말을 믿어 보세요. 돈을 벌을 있을 거예요.

Can I really make a lot of money if I invest this time?

- Sure, please trust me as if you intended to be tricked. You'll be able to make a lot of money.


6. 친구가 계속 번역을 부탁해서 귀찮아 죽겠어요.

- 공부하는 셈치고 친구 도와 주지 그래요?

I’m bored to death because my friend keeps asking me to do translation.

- Why don’t you let just assume you study and help your friend?


7. 그냥 액땜한 셈치세요 (액땜 = getting rids of devils /misfortune/ the worse)

Think of it as the price you paid to avoid the worse.


8. 자식 하나 없는 셈치고 살겠다.

I’m going to live as if I never had the child.


9. 제가 시간이 없으니까 먹은 셈칠게요.

Since I don’t have time, let’s just pretend I’ve eaten.


10. 사람에게 속는 샘치고 돈을 그냥 빌려주었다.

I just lent him money as if I intended to be tricked.


11. 휴가를 가는 셈칠 거예요.

I will think as I go for a vacation.


12. 잃어버린 물건은 버린 셈치고 잊어버리세요.

Forget the thing you lost as if you intended to throw it away.


Difference between -()/ 셈이다 grammar, -/ 셈이다 grammar, and -()/ 셈치다 grammar:


1. -()/ 셈이다 grammar or -()/ 셈으로 grammar is used to express conjecture that something is more or less similar to another = you could say, it's practically 

한국에서 20년에 살았으니까 한국은 고향인 셈이에요.

Since I have lived in Korea for 20 years, I could say it is my hometown.


수지가 정도면 괜찮은 셈으로 생각했다.

I thought Suzy was okay with this degree.

Learn more about: A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 grammar = I could say, it's practically

2. -() 셈이다 grammar is used to express a plan or intention to do something = plan to, intend to

오늘 일찍 잠을 셈이에요.

I plan to sleep early today.


나는 그를 동생처럼 생각하고 셈이에요.

I intend to treat him like my brother and be nice to him.


3. -()/ 셈치다 is used to express a supposition considering something to be true as it is different from reality or hasn’t occurred. = let’s just assume, think as

소매치기 당한 자꾸 생각하지 마세요. 먹은 셈치세요.

Don't keep thinking about being pickpocketed. Think of it as you bought some rice cake.


친구 하나 없는 셈치면 되니까 나한테 연락하지 말아!

Just think as you don’t have any friends, so don’t contact me anymore.

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