V-ㄴ/는다고 grammar = (he/she) said ... ~express one's intention, purpose, or reason to do something indirectly

V-ㄴ/는다고 grammar = said ... ~express one's intention, purpose, or reason to do something indirectly.


- V-ㄴ/는다고 grammar is used to express the third person's intention, purpose, or reason to do something = (he/said) said...

- The grammar is the shortened form the -다고 (하다) grammar, in which 하다 is often omitted. 

Present tense:

V +ㄴ/는다고 = said + V

오다 -> 온다고 

살다 -> 산다고

먹다 -> 먹는다고

찾다 -> 찾는다고

A +다고 = said + A

싸다 -> 싸다고

크다 -> 크다고

작다 -> 작다고

좋다 -> 좋다고

N +(이)라고 = said N

아이 -> 아이라고

집 -> 집이라고

대학생 -> 대학생이라고 


1. 수지는 책을 빌린다고 도서관에 갔어요.

Suzy said she went to the library to borrow a book.

2. 동생이 춥다고 옷장에서 두꺼운 옷을 꺼냈어요.

My brother said he is cold, so he took out thick clothes from the closet.

3. 리사가 한식을 먹는다고 한식집에 가요.

Lisa said she wants to eat Korean food, so she goes to a Korean restaurant.

4. 민아가 소포를 보낸다고 우체국에 가요.

Mina said she wants to send a package, so she goes to the post office.

5. 아이가 배고프다고 울어요.

The child said he is hungry, so he is crying.

6. 민아가 피곤하다고 일찍 잤어요.

Mina said she was tired, so she went to bed early.

7. 리사가 여행을 간다고 비행기 표를 샀어요.

Lisa said she wants to go on a trip, so she bought an airplane ticket.

8. 사비나는 한국어를 배운다고 온라인 강의에 등록했다.

Sabina said she wants to learn Korean, so she signed up for an online class.

9. 아버지는 날씨가 덥다고 아들에게 아이스크림을 사 줬다.

The father said the weather was hot, so he bought an ice-cream for his son.

10. 가영은 책을 읽는다고 밤늦게까지 깨어 있었다.

Gayoung said she stayed up late at night reading a book.

11. 어머니는 김치를 담근다고 바쁘시다.

My mother said she is busy making kimchi.

12. 동생은 키가 작다고 굽이 높은 구두만 신는다.

My sister said she is short, so she wears only high-heeled shoes.

13. 아이가 생일 선물을 받는다고 잔뜩 기대하고 있다.(잔뜩 = very, extremely)

My child said he was very excited to receive a birthday present.

14. 정우는 주중에 잠을 못 자서 주말이라고 잠만 잔다.

Jungwoo said he can't sleep during the week, so he sleeps on the weekend.

15. 민우 씨는 왜 같이 안 왔어요?

- 자기는 피곤하다고 먼저 집에 갔어요.

Why didn't Minwoo come with you?

- He said he was tired and went home first.

16. 안나 씨는 오늘 출근 안 했어요?

- 아니요. 출근했는데 몸이 많이 안 좋다고 잠깐 병원에 갔어요.

Didn't Anna go to work today?

- No. She went to work but she said she felt very unwell, so she went to the hospital for a while.

17. 이게 무슨 냄새에요?

- 아까 민우 씨가 모기를 잡는다고 뿌린 모기약 냄새예요.

What is this smell?

- A while ago, Minwoo said he wanted to catch mosquitoes, so it is the sprayed mosquito repellent.

18. 이번 달에 놀이공원에서 학생 입장료를 할인해 주는 거 알아요?

- 네. 그래서 저도 지난주에 갔었는데 대학생은 성인이라고 할인해 주지 않던데요?

Did you know that the amusement park is offering a discount on student admission this month?

- Yes. So, I went last week too, but they said college students are adults, so they didn't give a discount.

19. 명숙 씨, 세종레스토랑에 가 봤어요?

- 저는 아직 안 가봤는데 거기 서비스가 좋다고 동생이 자주 가요.

Myeongsook, have you been to Sejong Restaurant?

- I haven't been there yet, but I heard the service is good, so my brother often goes there.

20. 수지 씨는 아직 집에 안 왔어요?

- 오랜만에 대학교 친구들을 만나서 논다고 늦나 봐요.

Suzy hasn't come home yet?

I guess she is late because she said she's hanging out with her college friends after a long time.


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  1. The grammar is updated on 26 April 2023. Hope you enjoy studying at Korean Topik.

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